Map Int Vector String

map遍历it mp.begin()end()>firstSecond string排序vec.begin()end()711 悄悄
map遍历it mp.begin()end()>firstSecond string排序vec.begin()end()711 悄悄 from


As a programmer, you must be familiar with vectors, strings, and maps. But have you ever tried combining them to create something powerful and efficient? If not, then this article is for you. In this blog, we will explore the concept of “map in vector string” and how it can help you in your programming endeavors.

What is a Vector String?

A vector string is a collection of strings stored in a vector container. It is used to store a group of strings of varying lengths efficiently. The vector container allows us to efficiently access, insert, and remove elements from the collection.

What is a Map in Vector String?

A map is a container that stores key-value pairs. In the case of a map in vector string, the key is an integer, and the value is a vector string. This data structure allows us to store a group of string vectors indexed by integers.

How to Implement Map in Vector String?

To implement map in vector string, we first declare a map container with an integer as the key and a vector string as the value. We can then insert elements into the map using the insert function. Here is an example: “` #include #include

#include using namespace std; int main() { map> myMap; myMap.insert(make_pair(0, vector{“apple”, “banana”, “cherry”})); myMap.insert(make_pair(1, vector{“dog”, “cat”, “fish”})); myMap.insert(make_pair(2, vector{“red”, “green”, “blue”})); return 0; } “` In this example, we have declared a map container called “myMap” with an integer key and a vector string value. We have then inserted three elements into the map, each with a unique integer key and a vector string value.

Accessing Elements in Map in Vector String

To access the elements in a map in vector string, we use the [] operator with the integer key. Here is an example: “` cout << myMap[0][1] << endl; // Outputs "banana" ``` In this example, we are accessing the second element in the vector string with the key 0.

Adding Elements to Map in Vector String

To add elements to a map in vector string, we use the [] operator with the integer key and push_back function of the vector string. Here is an example: “` myMap[0].push_back(“orange”); cout << myMap[0][3] << endl; // Outputs "orange" ``` In this example, we are adding a new element "orange" to the vector string with the key 0.

Removing Elements from Map in Vector String

To remove elements from a map in vector string, we use the erase function with the integer key. Here is an example: “` myMap.erase(1); cout << myMap.size() << endl; // Outputs "2" ``` In this example, we are removing the element with the key 1 from the map. After removing the element, the size of the map is 2.

Benefits of Map in Vector String

By using map in vector string, we can efficiently store and access a collection of string vectors indexed by integers. This data structure is useful in many programming scenarios. For example, we can use it to store a group of user profiles, where each profile is represented by a vector of strings.


In this article, we have explored the concept of map in vector string and how it can be implemented in C++. We have also discussed various operations that can be performed on the data structure. By using map in vector string, we can efficiently store and access a collection of string vectors indexed by integers. We hope that this article has been informative and helpful to you.