Map Ukraine Breakaway Regions

This is the one map you need to understand Ukraine’s crisis The
This is the one map you need to understand Ukraine’s crisis The from

The Current Status of Ukraine’s Breakaway Regions

In 2023, Ukraine’s breakaway regions, namely Donetsk and Luhansk, continue to remain in a state of limbo. The two regions declared independence from Ukraine in 2014, following the Ukrainian Revolution and the annexation of Crimea by Russia. Since then, the conflict between Ukraine and the breakaway regions has claimed over 13,000 lives and displaced millions of people.

Despite a ceasefire agreement signed in 2015, sporadic fighting and shelling continue to plague the region. The breakaway regions have set up their own governments and military forces, while Ukraine considers them to be occupied territories. The international community remains divided on the issue, with some recognizing the breakaway regions as independent states, while others view them as part of Ukraine.

The History of the Conflict

The roots of the conflict can be traced back to Ukraine’s Orange Revolution in 2004, which saw the pro-Western Viktor Yushchenko come to power. The pro-Russian Viktor Yanukovych was elected in 2010, but his presidency was marred by allegations of corruption and authoritarianism.

In 2014, Yanukovych was ousted in a popular uprising supported by the West. This led to Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the subsequent declaration of independence by the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics.

The Humanitarian Crisis in the Breakaway Regions

The conflict has had a devastating impact on the people of Donetsk and Luhansk. The UN estimates that over 3.4 million people have been affected by the conflict, including over 1.5 million internally displaced persons.

The breakaway regions have faced a range of humanitarian challenges, including shortages of food, medicine, and clean water. The conflict has also led to a breakdown in infrastructure, with many homes, schools, and hospitals destroyed or damaged.

The Role of Russia and the West

Russia has been accused of supporting the breakaway regions with military aid and personnel, although it denies any involvement. The West has imposed sanctions on Russia in response to its actions in Ukraine, while also providing aid to the Ukrainian government.

The conflict has also become a geopolitical battleground between Russia and the West. The West sees Russia’s actions in Ukraine as an attempt to expand its influence in the region, while Russia views the West’s involvement in Ukraine as a threat to its national security.

The Prospects for Peace

Despite the ongoing conflict, there have been some signs of progress towards peace. In 2022, Ukraine and the breakaway regions agreed to a prisoner exchange, which saw hundreds of prisoners released on both sides.

The Normandy format, which includes Ukraine, Russia, Germany, and France, has also been revived to try to find a diplomatic solution to the conflict. However, significant obstacles remain, including disagreements over the status of the breakaway regions and the presence of Russian troops in Ukraine.

The Future of Ukraine’s Breakaway Regions

In the absence of a peace agreement, the future of Donetsk and Luhansk remains uncertain. The breakaway regions have established their own political and economic systems, but they remain heavily reliant on Russia for support.

Meanwhile, Ukraine continues to pursue a policy of reintegration, seeking to bring the breakaway regions back under its control. However, this is likely to be a long and difficult process, given the deep divisions and grievances on both sides.

The Impact of the Conflict on Ukraine’s National Identity

The conflict has also had a profound impact on Ukraine’s national identity. The country has become more divided than ever, with many Ukrainians feeling a sense of betrayal by their fellow citizens in the breakaway regions.

At the same time, the conflict has also strengthened Ukraine’s sense of national identity, with many Ukrainians rallying around the cause of defending their sovereignty and territorial integrity.


The conflict in Ukraine’s breakaway regions continues to be a major challenge for the country and the international community. While there have been some positive developments in recent years, significant obstacles remain to achieving a lasting peace.

Ultimately, the resolution of the conflict will require a concerted effort by all parties involved, including Ukraine, Russia, and the international community. Only through dialogue and compromise can a peaceful and sustainable solution be found for the people of Donetsk and Luhansk.